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Forgot Password
Forgot Password Instruction

ForGot password Instructiuon is given at the time of registration and is sent to your registered mobile and email. Please contact the centre if you are not able to login. Use forgot password or forgot login id to get your credentials on your registered mobile and email. Please use Google Chrome or Mozilla or IE(Internet Explorer version 9 and above) browsers to work on this portal. Users need to activate the "Compatibility View" option under "Tool" menu in IE. You may require adobe acrobat to view the reports. Please download it from adobe acrobat site here...instruction M

ForgotPassword Facilities

ForGot password Facilities is given at the time of registration and is sent to your registered mobile and email. Please contact the centre if you are not able to login. Use forgot password or forgot login id to get your credentials on your registered mobile and email. Please use Google Chrome or Mozilla or IE(Internet Explorer version 9 and above) browsers to work on this portal. Users need to activate the "Compatibility View" option under "Tool" menu in IE. You may require adobe acrobat to view the reports. Please download it from adobe acrobat site here m...